Family Considers Legal Options after Child Put on Wrong Flight

( – After a 6-year-old boy was accidentally put on the incorrect flight with Spirit Airlines and ended up hundreds of miles away from his intended destination, the boy’s family is considering filing a lawsuit against the airline, which has failed to explain how the mix-up happened.

The 6-year-old’s grandmother, Maria Ramos, told reporters that she’s still waiting for an explanation as to how her grandson boarded the wrong plane while traveling alone from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Fort Myers, Florida, on Thursday, Dec. 21. Ramos noted how there are “cameras all over” airports and on the planes, yet Spirit Airlines claims they “don’t know what happened” to her grandson, Casper, even after five days have lapsed.

The main questions Ramos wants answered are how her grandson made it onto another flight, and “how did he end up in Orlando?” She asked the company these questions and said their responses showed they had “no idea.” She told WINK News that the family is considering their legal options to help find some answers.

Spirit Airlines released a statement on the incident claiming that Casper was “always under the care and supervision” of airline staff and that as soon as the error was discovered, they “took immediate steps” to contact the family and “reconnect” them with the child. The airline stated that “safety” and “the responsibility of transporting” guests are taken seriously by the company and “an internal investigation” is underway. The statement concluded with an apology to the family.

Ramos claims she never actually received a call from Spirit Airlines notifying her that Casper was on an Orlando-bound flight, only that he never boarded the flight heading to Fort Myers. After they told her he missed the flight, she said he couldn’t have because she had her grandson’s check-in tag. Ramos then went “inside the plane to the flight attendant” and asked about Casper’s whereabouts. They told her that her grandson did not board in Philadelphia.

After remaining in the dark for almost an hour, Casper eventually FaceTimed Ramos and was verified safe in Orlando. Ramos then drove four hours to pick him up. The airline offered to reimburse Ramos for the drive and would cover the cost of her grandson’s return flight and also roundtrip tickets for her to accompany him.

All the grandmother wants is answers, stating that the experience was one of the scariest in her life and that Casper is now afraid of being left alone after the incident.

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