Doctors Brace For Supreme Court Hearing on Emergency Abortions

( – Doctors have been speaking out on what’s going on behind the scenes as they await a decision from the Supreme Court on emergency abortions. One doctor, Dr. Lauren Miller, is a fetal maternal medicine specialist who spoke out regarding how she’d feel if she had to tell her patients that she couldn’t help them.

Idaho, where Dr. Miller resides, has one of the strictest bans on abortion which means that she could only perform an abortion on a woman if her life was in danger. With this said, multiple women found themselves with potentially deadly consequences who weren’t quite “sick enough to qualify.”

“All I could say is: ‘We have to get them a transport out of state,” said Dr Miller. “It just breaks my heart that I knew them and had a relationship with them and couldn’t offer them the same care that I could have given them a year ago,” she says, speaking about times prior to Idaho’s ban.

Dr. Miller said that there was a bit of a loophole here which was a federal law called the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, which says that a hospital has to use Medicare dollars to stabilize any patient who comes in. This would mean that if a woman’s life was in jeopardy and needed an abortion then they would have to give her one and if they can’t stabilize them then legally they must transport them somewhere else.

However, the Supreme Court decision on emergency abortions could completely pull this law out as well, which is why many doctors are on their toes waiting for a decision.

“How high a risk does a patient have to take, or how sick do they have to get before it’s OK to actually give them the medical care that they need?” said Dr. Stacy Seyb, another maternal medical specialist in Idaho.

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