Study Finds That Workplace Sexual Harassment is Still Common for Women Today

( – According to a new study from McKinsey, a consulting firm, and Lean In, an advocacy group, women in the United States continue to experience bias and sexual harassment in the workplace.

The group did a “Women in the Workplace” report which showed that women in Corporate America have made some gains, but that there has been a lack of progress in multiple sectors. Some of the areas lacking progress include rates, early career promotions, and widespread sexual harassment in the workplace.

Rachel Thomas, the co-founder and CEO of Lean In, said, “I would call it a mixed scorecard for Corporate America. The fact that there has been a decline in commitment to gender and racial diversity has been concerning — we need corporations to lean into the momentum, and they are at risk of stepping back.”

The study also showed a gap that has been growing between young men and women in terms of gender and racial diversity. It’s said that only forty percent of men under thirty are supporting these efforts while seventy percent of women are supportive of these efforts.

One of the bigger findings is that sexual harassment remains commonplace in corporate America. It’s said that about forty percent of working women experience this treatment during their careers; this can range from sexist jokes to obscene comments.

“We don’t see movement with young women in how frequently they describe experiences of sexual harassment in relation to their older peers,” Alexis Krivkovich, senior partner at McKinsey, said. “It’s extremely troubling.”

Despite the rise of the #MeToo movement, sexual harassment is still a troubled area for women and the study suggests that those younger than thirty are just as likely to be harassed as those over thirty.

Despite these obstacles, women have continued to be ambitious and push forward through harassment.

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