(VitalNews.org) – Social media influencers are changing the way things are presented through social media. Typically we see influencers sharing what top products they use, sending us a link to their Amazon storefront, or just showcasing another advertised product in their content.
The newest TikTok trend is the complete opposite of what we usually would see influencers doing. This so-called “underconsumption core” is a personal finance trend that is going viral on TikTok and videos that are talking about this trend are getting millions of views.
This new trend has come into play as many people are strapped for cash and feeling tight on funds. This new aesthetic or “vibe” is a sense of reusing what you have, fixing things, and relying on hand-me-downs.
Sophie Hinn, a real estate agent said, “I think it’s romanticizing being middle class.” She has posted about joining in on the trend by doing things like getting furniture that is “thrifted, gifted, repurposed, or family hand-me-downs.”
18-year-old Maya “Liu” Feldman from Germany was one of the first users who used the phrase “underconsumption core” when showing her hair dryer that she’s had since seventh grade while also talking about the clothing she still wears from then as well.
Her TikTok went viral with over four hundred thousand likes and over two million views. Many people agreed with her and commented that they live a similar lifestyle.
“I didn’t really have a lot as a kid, and it kind of gave me this mentality of it being wrong to throw away perfectly usable things,” Feldman said.
Some people argued that this was underconsumption as these things that were said are part of some people’s everyday lives, such as reusing things.
Added Hinn, “With TikTok Shop and just people always trying to sell you something, I think it’s refreshing for people to see that other people don’t consume.”
Many people have been supportive of the mindset but have also felt like they haven’t had to change much because many people have been in this mindset already, whether that be because of inflation, wanting to retire early so you’re saving more, or just being someone who was already mindful of these things.
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